Veterinary Job Search Tips

Roo Team
August 5, 2020

When it comes to landing your dream job within the veterinary profession, there are a few important steps that can help make this happen. They say looking for a job is a job in itself, so be prepared to do some heavy lifting to secure your next career move. Trust us, what you put in, is what you’ll get out. Here are our top ten steps to help you find your ideal veterinary job.

Roo’s Top Ten Job Hunting Tips For Veterinary Professionals

1. Get Your Resume 100% Right

Before you even begin your job hunt, the first step is to create a stellar resume. Try to keep it to one page, and list all your key skills and achievements in a clear and plain-spoken manner. If you can, use a design template to make your CV really stand out and look professional.

2. Find Yourself a Good Mentor

The right mentor can help guide you on your career path, offer industry insights, or simply act as a sounding board when it comes to career choices. For the most part, mentors have more experience, know-how, and connections in your chosen field. Be sure to find someone who you admire when it comes to both their character and veterinary skill.

3. Be as Proactive as Possible

If you’ve always wanted to work somewhere but they never seem to be hiring when you’re looking, be proactive. Send them your CV, or better yet drop it off in person and introduce yourself. Your proactivity, tenacity, and go-getter attitude will not go unnoticed. If you’re looking at entry-level veterinary jobs, it might be worthwhile offering your services on a volunteer basis until a permanent gig comes up.

4. Register with Online Job Sites

There are a number of veterinary-specific online job sites that you can register with across the country. This way you can really streamline your search and be very specific about the type of job alerts you wish to receive. Many general career sites will also list veterinary posts, so it’s a good idea to join these job portals too.

5. Keep in Touch with Your Classmates

Never underestimate the power of a strong network of like-minded peers. If you’re looking for entry-level vet jobs or planning your third career move, it's always important to stay in contact with your fellow graduates. Sharing job posts, knowledge, and other insider tips will be hugely beneficial for everyone involved.

Get your resume 100% right. Errors or incomplete sections can put yours at the bottom of the pile.

6. Social Media is Your Friend

Social media is another great tool to help you find the right job. Join online groups via Facebook and LinkedIn, and use social platforms to get in touch with peers and industry professionals alike. Many people will also share job posts available at their clinics or offices, so always keep your eyes peeled.

7. Broaden Your Search

When embarking on your job hunt, try to think outside the box. Rather than a standard full-time veterinarian job at one practice or hospital, it might make sense to also consider veterinary relief work, as well. This can allow you to sign up for different shifts in different hospitals and have more flexibility in your job search as well as your work schedule. You never know, this could be an ideal fit for you!

8. Prep For Your Interview

Now, this goes without saying...once you’ve landed an interview, prepare prepare prepare. Research the company, look up the person who is interviewing you on LinkedIn and write down a list of questions you’d like to ask. Remember, an interview is also a chance for you to decide if the clinic culture is a good fit for you too.

9. Be Sure to Follow Up

Even if you don’t want to take the job, always follow up your interview with an email to the person you met with. Thank them for their time and giving you the opportunity to have an interview. And, if it's a job you’re really keen on, ask them if there is anything else you can send them that they might need.

10. Keep Looking

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, don't sit at home waiting for a clinic to call you back, even if you had a great interview and think you got the job. Keep sending out your resume and interview at every organization you can until you have a firm job offer that really excites you.

So, there you go. We hope these ten tips help with your veterinary job search. And, remember, the right DVM job will come, even if you need to practice a little patience and a lot of determination. Doing relief with Roo is an excellent way to earn good money while you find the perfect hospital. Who knows, maybe the relief world will win you over for good! Best of luck out there, we’ll be rooting for you.

About Roo

At Roo we see ourselves as more than just a vet recruitment agency. We find jobs for veterinarians by connecting quality veterinary professionals with animal hospitals by providing a unique online veterinary staffing platform and community. We're changing the way veterinary relief works by empowering animal healthcare professionals. To find out more, and to learn about what Roo can offer you, click here.

Quote of the Day

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off of you."

— Maya Angelou

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