How These Married Vets Use Roo to Work Together

Drs. Simone and Drew Burnett
August 29, 2022

Here at Roo, we know how important it is to spend time with loved ones. We're excited to bring you this story of two married vets who use Roo to plan shifts together! We interviewed the Burnetts to find out how they got started with vet relief and how they get extra quality time both inside and outside of practice!

Simone and Drew met in college back in 2016 when they were attending The Ohio State University of Veterinary Medicine. Simone was a sophomore when she met Drew, who was a freshman at the time. Four years later, they moved to Dallas and started working in ER together. They got married in 2020 (pandemic wedding!), and in late 2020, they discovered Roo.

We interviewed them to learn how they use relief as a way to spend quality time together when working. Read on to hear more about their experience with Roo!

How did you meet? How long have you been married?

We met in 2016 at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Simone was a sophomore while I (Drew) was a freshman. We moved to Dallas in early 2020, started working in ER, then got married in 2020 and had our wedding ceremony in 2021—a pandemic wedding!

How did you find out about Roo? Who discovered it first and how did they convince the other to try it too?

A friend told us about Roo. I (Simone) started working relief first as I wanted to keep up with GP while working full time in an ER clinic. I convinced Drew to start doing relief too so we could make sure we worked on the same days.

What is your favorite thing about Roo?

We love getting to make our own schedule and plan time off. We also like that some clinics have the “flexible” schedule option. It’s great getting to explore new clinics and learn from other doctors!

What’s it like getting to work together?

We worked at the same ER clinic for 1.5 years so we are used to working together! We like working the same shifts because we know what to expect and know how to efficiently split up work cases and surgeries.

How has Roo changed your lives on both a professional and personal level?

Veterinary relief has really helped us find work-life balance. We’ve also learned a lot just by getting to work at different clinics. It also helps us with supplemental income—we love to travel in our free time.

We think all vets and vet techs should pick up a relief shift every once in a while because it helps you get out of your comfort zone and helps out our fellow vet community by giving other doctors some much-needed vacation time!

If you're interested in following in the Burnetts' footsteps and working vet relief shifts with friends or family, click here to learn more!

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