Introducing: Ask a Roo Vet with Dr. Andrew Findlaytor

Roo Team
September 14, 2023

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Calling all veterinarians, technicians, practice managers, students, and pet owners: Have you ever had a burning question you wanted to ask an experienced relief veterinarian? Specifically, Roo’s absolutely incredible Lead Veterinarian Dr. Andrew Findlaytor?

Now’s your chance to get all the answers! Learn everything you ever wanted to know about Roo, relief work, and the ever-changing landscape of vet med.  

Dr. Andrew “All the Answers” Findlaytor, DVM 

Simply put, Dr. Andrew is the veterinarian who made Roo what it is today. He’s worked tirelessly to shape our mission and our vision, and there’s no one more well-versed in the veterinary relief space. He’s extremely passionate about veterinary medicine and the workplace conditions that led to the creation of Roo in the first place.  

A graduate of University of California, Davis, Andrew worked as a general practice technician for six years before attending vet school. After graduating in 2015, he worked as a full-time relief vet before relief platforms and apps made navigating the relief space easy. He’s practiced at over 80 different animal hospitals, including both emergency and general practice, and he has a strong background in research (squeak if you love mouse biology!), emergency medicine, and entrepreneurship. 

Ultimately, Andrew’s focus is to create a better, happier, more sustainable workplace for his colleagues in the veterinary profession, and he works tirelessly toward this goal. Also, he may very well be the kindest person I’ve ever met. 

Authentically Transparent

To our incredible community, we aspire to always be forthright, honest, and open with anything and everything. Transparency and authenticity are two values we hold incredibly dear here at Roo, which we hope to bring to everything we do out in the world and how we run our company internally.  

Recently, our new CEO, Danny Leffel started an internal question and answer forum for employees to ask anything under the sun and get an honest response directly from the CEO. We thought this was pretty cool, and we’ve been inspired to provide this same opportunity to all of you, our incredible Roo community. 

Ask us anything under the sun! We want to answer all your questions about relief work, and we’ve got our top vet on the line to field any medical or workplace-related questions. 

We’ll keep your name anonymous if you want, but we will share the question you asked because answers out of context tend to make little to no sense at all. 

Send questions you want answered to Thanks so much to all who participate! 

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